- Food & Beverage/Pharmaceutical
- Energy Saving System
- Wastewater Treatment System
- Water & Environment Plant
- Overview
- Seawater Desalination System
- Power Plant Wastewater Treatment System
- Desulfurization Wastewater Treatment System
- Pure Water and Ultrapure Water System
- Wastewater Reuse System
- Water Purification System
- Project Achievement
Membrane is used to separate specific substance from a mixture.
It is classified by material, size of the opening and module type.
Water treatment using membrane is by physicochemical selective elimination of particles from sieving.
Despite many advantages such as stability in treatment and compact process, due to the relatively high cost in facility and maintenance than other processes, the application area was limited.
However, due to the development of technology, the economic feasibility has been improved by reducing the raw cost for membrane production, hence the application range is being expanded.
Main Skill UF System

- · Perfect elimination of turbidity
- · Partial elimination of dissolved substances by eliminating floating solids (TOC, COD, BOD)
- · Elimination of microorganisms
- - Log 6 removal of bacteria
- - Log 4 removal of viruses
Reference List

Hanlim NF Potable Water Plant (2015)
Capa. : 6,000 ton/day

Chuja Island SWRO Plant Desalination System (2012)
Capa. : 1,000 ton/hr