- Food & Beverage/Pharmaceutical
- Energy Saving System
- Wastewater Treatment System
- Water & Environment Plant

Provide Turnkey base automated process systems for production
Considering effective production processes and consumers who prefer various tastes, Welcron Hantec provides optimal solutions which best fit clients’ products in a total engineering way.
Considering the order of production, recipe, productive capacity, production parameters, etc. based on the characteristics of clients’ products, Welcron Hantec conducts turnkey engineering and equipment manufacturing, installation and automation by reviewing all relevant materials for HACCP/GMP certification, utility needed for site area of a factory to be built, Layout and production system. .
Operation Automation
We provide completely automated operation programs from operating system to cleaning work.
· Produce stable products and prevent failures (human errors) through automatic control· Able to reduce 80% personnel compared to a manually operated factory
· Manage information for management and yields according to computerization of production