- Food & Beverage/Pharmaceutical
- Energy Saving System
- Wastewater Treatment System
- Water & Environment Plant
- Overview
- Seawater Desalination System
- Power Plant Wastewater Treatment System
- Desulfurization Wastewater Treatment System
- Pure Water and Ultrapure Water System
- Wastewater Reuse System
- Water Purification System
- Project Achievement

Water from wastewater treatment system can be recycled as industrial water, gardening water or process water through recycling system.
Through the wastewater recycling system, the cost can be reduced by reducing the amount of wastewater generated, treatment cost and amount of industrial water used.
According to the water quality of wastewater and client’s demand, stable and economic process can be designed.
It provides stable and economical process and design according to the water quality of waste water and customer's required water quality.
Equipment Photos

- Elimination of Turbidity and Suspended solid
- Elimination of Organic Material

: RO, UV Sterilization etc.
- Elimination of Turbidity, TDS and TOC
- Elimination of Heavy metal ion
- Elimination of Organic material, Sterilization
Reference List

Waste Water Reuse System(Samsung Electronics)(2014)
Capa. : 76 ton/hr * 4 SET

Waste Water Reuse System(Doosan Infracore)(2014)
Capa. : 6 ton/hr

Waste Water Reuse System(Stats Chip Pac Korea)(2014)
Capa. : 42 ton/hr * 4 SET

Waste Water Reuse System(Cheil Industries)(2009)
Capa. : 100 ton/hr * 2 SET