The World’s Most Competitive Company
Welcron Hantec provides the best quality products and services under the management philosophy “the World’s Most Competitive Company”, and conducts the following quality policy to achieve customer satisfaction
To accomplish the quality policy, Welcron Hantec
Welcron achieves customer satisfaction in product quality and services and gains trust in continuous Quality, Environment improvement and products by establishing Quality and Environment systems complying with ISO9001, ISO14001 and KSA requirements.
Welcron employees will fulfill their responsiblity to produce the best products by understanding the quality policy clearly and implementing quality management systems completely in order for our products to secure international competitivensess.
Welcron Hantec Co., Ltd. CEO Rhee Young-kyu
Improves continuous process and establish standards;
Maximizes customer satisfaction by achieving Zero Customer Complaints;
Strengthens global competitiveness through the best technology and continuous innovation;
Secures the best quality through Win-Win partnership with suppliers;
Practices ethical management by complying with laws and regulations.

- Certificate Authority
- BSI (British Standard Institution)
- Originally Registered
- 2002. 04. 18
- Latest Issue
- 2020. 03. 29
- Expiry Date
- 2023. 03. 28
- Scope
- The design, manufacture and installation of evaporation system, crystallizing system, drying system, fermentation system, blending system, CIP system for food & beverage industry and desalination syetem.

- Certificate Authority
- ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
- Authorized Date
- 2012. 02. 24
- Expiry Date
- 2021. 02. 24
- Scope
- Manufacturing of pressure vessels at the above location and field sites controlled by the above location

- Certificate Authority
- KPC(Korea Productivity Center Quality Assurance)
- Originally Registered
- 2019. 10. 16.
- Latest Issue
- 2019. 10. 16.
- Expiry Date
- 2022. 10. 15.
- Scope
- Construction of Water environment works, Mechanical Equipment works, Electric Works, Construction works, Civil works, Firefighting Facility works, Industrial environment facility works, Biofuel Plant, Industrial Plant